The gap between the successful and the unsuccessful is growing, even if trade is not the sole cause of this trend. 成功与不成功人士之间的差距正在扩大,尽管贸易不是造成这一趋势的唯一原因。
Made out to be the sole cause of the outbreak of violence? 会是这次暴力事件的唯一原因?
The one-child policy is not the sole cause, as India shows, but it has contributed to it. 尽管一胎政策不是造成这种现象仅有的原因,但正如印度的情况,它还是难逃其咎。
Most leftwingers accept that bad parenting is not only about poverty; most conservatives accept that working mothers are not its sole cause. 大多数左翼人士认为,抚养不当不仅仅是贫困造成的;而大多数保守派认为,工作的母亲不是造成这个问题的惟一原因。
Hormones alone aren't the sole cause of obesity but they might be a factor that links obesity to diabetes. 单荷尔蒙并不是肥胖的唯一原因,但其可能是连接肥胖和胰岛素的因素。
Solvent adhesive is a widely used sole adhesive as it is easily manufactured, conveniently used and has strong adhesion, but it cause serious environmental pollution and will possibly face the replacement by green adhesive. 溶剂胶制造简单、使用方便、粘合力强,是广泛使用的大底胶,但环境污染严重,即将面临着被环保型胶取代的局面;
The extrusion education environment, the disorderly and obsolete teaching material and the sole teaching method cause the university language and literature nearly to be in awkward situation. 教育环境的挤压、教材的杂乱陈旧、教学手段的单一,使大学语文几乎处于失语境地。
Future, SIP possibly will be able to provide the richer pronunciation increment service to the public, from the sole media correspondence to the multimedia correspondence development, will cause the system to become gradually may supervise and manage, but will monitor legitimately and so on. 将来,SIP协议可能会向公众提供更丰富的语音增值业务,从单一媒体通信向多媒体通信发展,使得系统逐步变得可监管,可合法监听等等。